What’s Happening
For a list of additional community events hosted at Baker Memorial, click here to go to our Community Connection page.

ReCharge for All Ages
Sundays • 10:45am
Get plugged in and ReCharge with small groups, fellowship, and fun for all ages. It’s a perfect way to renew your mind and set your week on the right path with God and others. Click here to view adult schedule.

Volunteer & Serve Others
Many opportunities!
Serving Christ here, near, and far away is our motto. Here at Baker Memorial UMC, serving others is a fundamental aspect of life. We have many opportunities! Go here to connect to our Volunteer page.

St. Charles Farmers Market
FridayS • 9am-Noon
The St. Charles Indoor Farmers Market is held on Fridays November through May from 9 am to Noon. Please use the street level entrance on Main Street.

Winter Sermon Series
Sundays at 9:30am
Each Sunday of the Epiphany Season, January 5-February 16, liturgy, prayers, hymns and messages will seek to reveal the light of Christ providing wisdom and guidance for our lives. Let us wonderfully reflect our faith into the world, sharing color, warmth and blessings.

NIL Food Bank Gang
Monday, February 17 • 9am
Join the Illinois Food Bank gang! A team of volunteers heads to the NIL Food Bank every month. Our shift runs from 9am until Noon. Want more information? Contact Betty Erickson at n9yfc@aol.com.

Sunday Funday
Sunday, February 16 • 10:30am
This month’s theme is Beautiful Pearls. Come for faith fun with friends and learn about the parable of treasure and the merchant. Sunday Funday meets on third Sundays for ages pre-K thru 5th grade.

UWF Sunday
Sunday, February 23 • 9:30am
Our District Superintendent, Reverend Wendy Hardin Hermann, provide the message. Our theme for UWFaith’s Sunday is Grace. The service will be led by the women in the Church. A reception will follow after worship. You will be able to meet and speak with Wendy.

One O’Clock Book Group
Monday, march 3 • 1pm
The group meets monthly on first Mondays in the parlor. All are welcome to join in this reading fellowship. The book for march is The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon.For more info, contact Shelley Campbell at sscbooks@sbcglobal.net.
Faith, Food & Fun
Wednesday, March 5 • 5:30pm
Join us for an intergenerational evening with dinner, faith, and an activity for all ages. The theme is Inside/Outside. The menu is soup, salad, bread, and desserts. Sign up here. (It helps us plan) Free will offering.

Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday, March 5 at 7pm
Join Fox Valley UM Churches for combined worship at Baker Memorial Church. We welcome guest preacher Rev. Fabiola Grandon-Mayer. Ashes will be distributed. All are welcome.

Pies for Pi Day
Sunday, March 9 at 10:30am
Celebrate Pi Day by shopping at the UWFaith homemade pie sale. Purchase whole, half or individual pieces. Stop by Baker Hall after worship!

Church Rummage Sale
Thursday-Saturday, March 27-29
Save the date for our annual Rummage Sale! Note that it is in March this year. This is the perfect opportunity to clean your closets, cabinets and basement. Find donation guide, drop off info, and times here.