What’s Happening
For a list of additional community events hosted at Baker Memorial, click here to go to our Community Connection page.
ReCharge for All Ages
Sundays • 10:30 am
Get plugged in and ReCharge with small groups, fellowship, and fun for all ages. It’s a perfect way to renew your mind and set your week on the right path with God and others. Click here to view adult schedule.
Volunteer & Serve Others
Many opportunities!
Serving Christ here, near, and far away is our motto. Here at Baker Memorial UMC, serving others is a fundamental aspect of life. We have many opportunities! Go here to connect to our Volunteer page.
St. Charles Farmers Market
FridayS • 8 am-1 pm
The St. Charles Farmers Market is held on Fridays June through October from 8 am to 1 pm. It is located on 4th Avenue—between Cedar Ave and Main St. Find produce, specialty food items, baked goods, cheese, hand-made items, and more!
Women’s Movie Night
Friday, October 18 • 6 pm
Come out for a Friday night dinner and a movie! We’ll have pizza and salad, watch The Holdovers, and discuss the movie. Sponsored by UWF. Sign-up to attend here.
Get-to-Know-You Meeting
Sunday, October 20 • 10:30 am
All youth, grades 6-12, and their parents or other adult, are invited to join Pastor Jenny for bagels and conversation following worship. We will get to know one another as well as talk about possible activities for the coming year. A variety of bagels and beverages will be provided.
Sunday Funday
Sunday, October 20 • 10:30 am
It’s Sunday Funday for kids aged Pre-K thru 5th grade. The theme this month is Music Day. Come for all sorts of upbeat musical fun. Runs from 10:30 to 11:15 am.
NIL Food Bank Gang
Monday, October 21 • 9 am
Join the Illinois Food Bank gang! A team of volunteers heads to the NIL Food Bank every month. Our shift runs from 9am until Noon. Want more information? Contact Betty Erickson at n9yfc@aol.com.
Trunk or Treat
Sunday, October 27 • 12:30-2 pm
Join us for fall family fun at our annual Trunk or Treat community event. Come in costume and join the fun. It will be spooktacular! It’s located in the 3rd Ave/Rt. 64 parking lot. Sign-up to host a trunk or donate candy here.
One O’Clock Book Group
Monday, November 4 • 1 pm
The group meets monthly on first Mondays in the parlor. The November selection is The Nine by Gwen Strauss. All are welcome to join in this reading fellowship. For more info, contact Shelley Campbell at sscbooks@sbcglobal.net.
Faith, Food & Fun
Wednesday, November 6 • 5:30 pm
Join us for an intergenerational evening with dinner, faith, and an activity for all ages. The theme for November is Harvest: How God Provides. The menu is chicken pot pies and homemade pies. Sign up here. (It helps us plan food and supplies.) Free will offering.