United Women in Faith
Of Baker Memorial United Methodist ChurchBaker Memorial’s United Women in Faith organization provides a variety of exciting opportunities for fellowship, outings, missions outreach and fundraising Here, Near, and Far Away. The Leadership Team, our governing board, meets the first Wednesday of every month. Our four active circles (groups) are listed below. We welcome all women with open arms!
Our Mission
Our four circles have a mission of helping women and children, locally and throughout the world. We host different types of fundraisers throughout the year to support many different organizations that help women and children prosper.
In addition to our fundraisers, we also pledge annually to our United Women in Faith (UWF) district. All of these funds are distributed by the Women’s Division of the General Board of Global Ministries of the Methodist Church to organizations in the U.S. as well as throughout the world. We also contribute to the missions of Baker Memorial, donating to some of its many ministries. We are a busy group of women who will, with God’s help, continue our missions by pledging our money, time and talents. A heartfelt invitation is extended to all women in our congregation! Which Circle is best for YOU?
What's Happening
Phoebe Circle Planning Meeting
Wednesday, September 11 at 9 am in the parlor
Phoebe Circle is starting a new season with a planning meeting and a time to catch up after a summer break. Bring your ideas and beverage—we’ll supply the treat. Contacts are Michele Claney and Kristin Fischer.
23rd Psalm Labyrinth Event
Saturday, September 14 from 10 am to Noon in Baker Hall
A Labyrinth Florilegium of the 23rd Psalm will be led by Charlotte Wyncoop, former UMW Spiritual Growth coordinator on the Aurora District. The program begins at 10 am and is open to everyone.
A labyrinth reminds us that life is a path with and towards God. By walking the path, we give God time and space in our lives. We train ourselves for silence-we make spaces in our lives for that still, small voice, His voice.
Florilegium comes from two Greek words: Flori meaning flower and Legium meaning words. Florilegium are a group of passages selected to be read in the same way we would walk through a field of flowers, looking for what catches your eye.
All are welcome to participate in this UWF event. There is an optional lunch (not included) off-site afterwards. Sign up on your church app or here. Free will offering.
Lydia and Rahab Circles Meet Together
Tuesday, September 24 at 7 pm in Wiley Hall
Lydia Circle and Rahab Circle are coming together for a combined gathering! Join us in Wiley Hall for rotating stations of refreshments, a simple craft, a Bible quiz and the year’s program planning! All women of the church are invited to attend this fun kick off event!
Contact Chris Stumpf, cstumpf0308@gmail.com or Kim Masters, kemasters1020@gmail.com to RSVP.
Save the Date
- UWF Movie Night on Friday, October 18 at 6 pm. Come out for dinner, watch The Holdovers and discussion. More info to come.
- Ladies Baker Bunco on Sunday, November 3 from 2 to 4 pm.
Find Your Circle
Lydia Circle: This is a circle of active women who are a variety of ages. Meetings take place on the fourth Tuesday of the month in the evenings at the discretion of the member hosting the event. Meetings include service projects, social time together, and more.
Phoebe Circle: This is a circle of active women who are a variety of ages. Meetings take place on the second Wednesday of the month September-May from 9-11 am in the Parlor, unless an outing or special event is planned. Meetings include social time together, off-site outings, service project, and more.
Rahab Circle: This is a circle of young women. Meetings take place at the discretion of the member hosting.
Sarah Ruth Circle: This is a circle of retired women. Meetings generally take place on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 1:30 pm. (third Wednesday in November and December) in the church Parlor.
More About UWF
United Women in Faith is a sisterhood acting in faith to tackle the hard work of the world without hesitation.
Driven by God’s love and united in sisterhood, we work to improve the lives of women, children and youth. Every day, we show up. We take action. We get it done. And we invite you to join us.
“God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day”