Welcome from Pastor David
The church of Christ was born by the Holy Spirit moving among a diversity of people called as one to take the love of Jesus into all parts of the world. No one was excluded from receiving the blessings of God. We welcome all to live into this witness through our mission of welcome and dedication to inclusion. Persons of diverse race and ethnicity, age and family & marital status, sexual orientation & gender identity, economics and employment, ability and disability, new to Christian faith or long-time believer, who seek to live in love, hope and faith are welcome to fully participate in the life of Baker Memorial United Methodist Church. Welcome, friends, and let us worship, learn and serve together.
Rev. David Aslesen
Director of Faith Formation
Director of Administration and Finance
Director of Music Ministry
Director of Children & Family Ministries
Building Maintenance Manager
Kathy Olivarez
Children's Music Director
Samuel Wyatt