Our Church App

Access sermons, prayer requests, events and more on your phone.

Stay Connected with Our App

Our church app will allow you to connect more easily with Baker Memorial UMC. With the app, you can access event registrations, submit a prayer request, watch online sermons, and support your favorite ministries. Come back often to see what is happening!

How to Install the App

1. Search for the MinistryOne App
Go to the Apple App or Google Play Store, search for Church by MinistryOne and download the app to your mobile device. (The icon is a white cross on a purple background)

2. Find Our Church
To get started, simply enter the name, city, or zip of our church. Select the Baker Memorial UMC option.

3. Enjoy exploring our new church app!
To create your Church account, you will be asked for your mobile number. A verification code will be sent to you, type this in as directed and you’ll be ready to view your profile, update your information, and get connected in a whole new way!

The Main Page is accessible using the 3-line directory icon in the upper left corner of the screen, the Main Page has links to the most used features of the database.

The Directory has tabs for My Groups and All Church, with active links for phone, email, and driving directions.